
Nephrotic Syndrome Study Network

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ACCESS - Access Qualification
ACCESS - Access mechanism
ACCESS - Access protocol
ACCESS - Terms of Use
COMPOSITION - Data Standards utilized
COMPOSITION - Data element definitions
COMPOSITION - Data quality profile
COMPOSITION - Site Breadth
COMPOSITION - Subject or Concept Area Coverage
HISTORY - Initial Creation Date
HISTORY - Last Modified Date
HISTORY - Retention schedule
HISTORY - Study End Date
HISTORY - Study Start Date
HISTORY - Update Schedule
STAKEHOLDERS - Attribution Citation
STAKEHOLDERS - Collaborators
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Collectors
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Manager(s)
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Steward(s)
STAKEHOLDERS - Principal Investigator
STAKEHOLDERS - Publisher/Data provider
SUMMARY - Dataset Unique Identifier
SUMMARY - High-level data models (logical and/or conceptual)
SUMMARY - Personal Health Information (PHI) Indicator
SUMMARY - Physical data model, reverse-engineered
SUMMARY - UMHS Data Asset Type