Research Data Warehouse-Nursing

Physical data warehouse combining data from multiple sources with the primary purpose of supporting clinician researchers with self-service capabilities. Nursing is one subject area of data captured within the Research Data Warehouse.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
ACCESS - Access Qualification At this point we're working in cooperation with the HBO; a more fully-defined protocol is under development.
ACCESS - Access mechanism Some amount of this is envisioned as being run through the HBO, though some direct researcher access might also be rolled out as part of the early '14 release. Work on the access model is forthcoming.
ACCESS - Access protocol So far, SQL-based access is available. The Data Access Tool, as well as API access, are being worked on.
ACCESS - Terms of Use
COMPOSITION - Source(s) There were multiple floors / areas that combined into this data set, so lineage should be quite complicated. The range of floors/rooms and the variability over time should be stored in a structure for leveraging. Unit aliasing & Unit grouping.
COMPOSITION - Data Standards utilized
COMPOSITION - Data element definitions Definitions are specified in the RDW_ViewDocumentation. {needs listing as resource}
COMPOSITION - Data quality profile There's purposefully not a lot of "cleaning," but there is validation that values are being brought over correctly from the source. Whatever the source provides is what the RDW is looking to provide.
COMPOSITION - Site Breadth UMHS data only
COMPOSITION - Subject or Concept Area
HISTORY - Initial Creation Date July 1, 2013
HISTORY - Last Modified Date daily
HISTORY - Retention schedule To date there are no archival or purging plans.
HISTORY - Study End Date
HISTORY - Study Start Date
HISTORY - Update Schedule Updates daily; ETL drivers run and scrape new data for all "live" subject areas. Not all source systems have new data daily (e.g. Billling)
STAKEHOLDERS - Attribution Citation UMHS
STAKEHOLDERS - Collaborators
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Collectors Collection Mechanisms include Flowsheets and Forms, described in RDW Nursing Content Area DataViewDescriptions
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Manager(s)
STAKEHOLDERS - Data Steward(s)
STAKEHOLDERS - Principal Investigator
STAKEHOLDERS - Publisher/Data provider RDW team (need a vCard or other contact info). Contact with RDW team right now is on an ad-hoc basis.
SUMMARY - Dataset Unique Identifier
SUMMARY - Higher-level data models (logical and/or conceptual)
SUMMARY - Personal Health Information (PHI) Indicator Yes
SUMMARY - Physical data model, reverse-engineered {needs addition, or link as resource}
SUMMARY - UMHS Data Asset Type Data Warehouse/Mart